Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wyatt's Arrival

Today was a big day for us. Woke up around 2 am thinking I was having contractions. Was a little unsure, but started timing and decided that yes I was and while the first several seemed not too bad and varied, they quickly sped up. Seeing as we were about 2 weeks from my due date we did not have a bag packed yet so Aaron ran around to get one packed and then woke up Quentin.
By the time we reached the hospital (approx. 5-7 min from our house) I was having contractions about 1 min apart and oh, boy were they strong! So strong that when Aaron dropped me at the ER entrance (he went to park and get Q out of the car) I was already at the screaming stage. By the time they got me up to the birthing center and into a room I was feeling like I needed to push (like NOW!!!) The nurse checks me and tells another nurse to get my doc here ASAP cause I'm fully dilated and ready to go. They're trying to tell me not to push while trying to get an IV hooked up. And I tried really hard to do as asked, but by the time they got the IV in and took a look Wyatt was crowning. Another contraction later and his head popped out, so one push later he fully arrived; with no doctor present. They tried to get the ER doc up before he arrived, but she didn't make it until about 2 min. later.
All of this happened in 1 hour!

Welcome to the world Wyatt Ellis!! 6 lbs. 1 oz. and 19 in. long.
Mommy, Daddy and big brother Q :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Doctor's Visit

Had another visit with the doc yesterday afternoon. We're now down to weekly visits. Everything is going well and he's head down! I've suspected he's been head down for at least a week - every time he has the hiccups I've felt them low down. He's also still very active in there, kicking up a storm! I'm slightly afraid of how active a child he will be in comparison to Quentin. Q is ALWAYS on the go and I don't recall him being quite so active in utero as his little brother is.
I'm getting quite impatient to meet my new little man and getting to know him!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


We had great holiday's this year. Went to the in-laws for Thanksgiving and ate yummy food. Did Christmas morning here at home with Quentin and then drove up to my parent's for Christmas with them, my grandparents, my uncle, my sister and two of her three boys (the oldest went to Disneyworld with his dad). I loved how the little ones all wanted to play with someone else's gifts!
The following weekend was Quentin's 3rd birthday and both my parents and Aaron's parents came to help celebrate. So hard to believe he's three already! He had a great birthday and then we did our Christmas with Aaron's parents so there were even more gifts to open! It was a birthday/Christmas extravaganza! :)
Through all of this we have had people coming and working on our basement; adding a bedroom and bathroom down there so we will have a bedroom upstairs for our new little boy when he arrives. I'm starting to get a little anxious for them to finish. 5 weeks till my due date and they're just getting the drywall taped and mudded today. Next week we're supposed to get painting and tiling done (hopefully carpeting as well). Which just leaves the final electrical work and installation of toilet and sink and doors. Keeping my fingers crossed that in about 2 weeks this project will be finished!
After that we need to get everything arranged in baby's room and then sit back and wait for him to arrive. :)