Some time ago our friend Maureen posted a challenge on her blog to list 100 things you may or may not know about me. I've been meaning to make a list of my own as a response, but haven't found the time just yet. So here goes:
100 Things You May or May Not Know About Me:
1. I live in Clayton, OH
2. I do not want to live here
3. I hope we can move to Cedar Rapids, IA soon - or just anywhere else
4. I have one sister, Julie
5. She has 3 little boys, my nephews - Jared, Jonas, and Jesse
6. I did gymnastics as a child
7. I helped manage track for a year in high school
8. I've worn glasses since I was in second grade
9. I got contacts when I started high school
10. My favorite color is blue
11. Green is a close second
12. I am a chocoholic
13. I am allergic to nuts
14. I dislike nuts anyway, so it's a great excuse for not eating them
15. I am allergic to cats
16. We have two cats anyway
17. Their names are Harvest and Paprika
18. Someday I want to get a black cat
19. I will name it Vanilla
20. I've been told I make excellent cheesecake
21. I think it would be fun to open a cheesecake business
22. My degree is in Interior Design
23. I received this degree from Iowa State University
24. Iowa State is located in Ames, IA where I grew up
25. I think flipping houses would be fun
26. Some day I want to own a bungalow
27. I have lived in 6 states
28. They are Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, Mississippi, Alabama, and Ohio
29. I spent a month in Phoenix, AZ right before my Junior year in college
30. My senior year of college we took a trip to Toronto
31. I did not want to go
32. They scheduled the trip over the Iowa State Nebraska football game and I had tickets (Iowa State won by the way)
33. I was so mad I missed it
34. I am a bookworm
35. Right now I am into Science Fiction books that involve vampires, witches, werewolves
36. I am excited to see the TV show, True Blood, that is based on Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse books
37. I have always enjoyed drawing
38. I have thought about going back to college to get a degree in illustration
39. When I was a kid I wanted to be a teacher
40. Now I am a stay at home mom
41. My son's name is Quentin James (which everyone should know)
42. He was born on his due date
43. I thought he was never going to come out
44. My water broke when I was trying to get to sleep the night before he was born
45. This past New Years was the first in a long time that I was asleep before midnight
46. Someday I want to visit Scotland
47. I have famous ancestors
48. They include Meriwether Lewis, Daniel Boone, and George Washington
49. Aaron and I got married 4 years ago this September
50. We went on a cruise for our honeymoon
51. I would like to take an Alaskan cruise
52. I played the violin for one year
53. I played the flute for two years
54. It may have been three years, I can't remember
55. I have asthma
56. I also have hypothyroidism
57. Therefore I have to take a pill every morning for the rest of my life
58. I hate that I have to do this
59. I hate that it took the doctors 2 1/2 years to figure out what my dosage should be
60. I came up with my pregnancy dosage by myself
61. I like taking naps
62. Quentin always seems to wake up from his nap just when I'm ready to take one of my own
63. I watch Days of Our Lives
64. And General Hospital
65. I'd like to lose 20 lbs
66. I feel like I spend too much time indoors
67. I don't like the bugs outdoors though
68. My favorite holiday is the 4th of July
69. I love fireworks
70. My second favorite is halloween
71. I can't wait to get a cute costume for Q
72. Christmas is a close third
73. Fall is my favorite time of year
74. I worry too much sometimes
75. I get nervous trying new things
76. I am not a morning person
77. Since Q arrived I have had to be
78. I love taking baths
79. I have never been pulled over for speeding
80. I have been with others when they have
81. I rarely drink
82. Martinis are my favorite drinks when I do
83. Made with Vodka not Gin
84. I like action movies
85. I also like comedies
86. I recently had my hair cut short
88. Growing up it was always long
89. Everyone says shorter is easier, but I don't think so
90. Now I actually have to do something with it
91. The only makeup I wear is foundation
92. I like to dress up fancy once in a while
93. I almost never have an opportunity to do so
94. If I could afford it I would have a massage every day
95. I love houses
96. I don't particularly like ours though
97. It is much better since we've done some improvements to it though
98. I think it would be fun to name streets and subdivisions
99. I think it would be fun to name paint colors
100. I am afraid of dogs
That was harder than I thought it would be. It took much longer than anticipated. I bet Q will be waking up from his nap soon.