Saturday, July 7, 2007

Visit with the Doc

Well yesterday was another prenatal visit with the doc. It went pretty much the same as the previous one. Once again we heard the heartbeat which is still amazing. Maybe we can buy one of those things where we can listen ourselves at home and then let the grandparents-to-be hear too when we visit in another week. Our next appointment is in another 4 weeks and the doc said we'll be doing lab work at that time as well. Lucky me. I just hope they aren't going to be taking too much blood - the thyroid tests take 2 vials themselves, although the nurse who takes the blood said once that they can usually get by with just one. Wish they would stick to just one. Last time I had a lot taken - 4 vials and they were testing my cholesterol so I had to fast - I ended up passing out right at the end. Granted I won't need to fast this time, but I still am hoping they won't be taking more than 3. I can handle 3. The doctor also said that another 4 weeks later - so about 8 from now - we will get to have another ultrasound and they should be able to tell the sex of the baby. And for those who don't know already I DON'T want to know before hand if it is a boy or a girl.

1 comment:

mGk said...

Good for you. Kev and I didn't want to know either. Be prepared for everyone, even strangers, to ask what your baby is going to be and THEN look shocked when you tell them you don't want to know. Many a time I wanted to smack people!

Kevin and I got tired of answering the question, "so what do you want?" We would just say, "we want a happy and healthy baby, or maybe a puppy."

Moral of the story: Hold out for a puppy.