Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Baby Pics

Here are two new pictures of baby. We had the ultrasound done this morning and they said everything looked good. Unfortunately, baby wasn't overly cooperative in letting us get a very good picture of his/her face. He/she had a hand in the way, so in the one picture we do have, baby looks like an alien. It was an absolutely amazing experience.


mGk said...

Jenny, How many weeks gestation are you now? We are so excited for you both! Time flies, and your little sweet pea will be here before you know it! Glad to hear all is going well.

Enjoy your sleep while you can!

Jenny and Aaron's Baby Blog said...

I'm 23 weeks right now.
Time really does fly. I'm starting to freak out that we don't have much of anything yet and we're more than 1/2 way there. Aaron and I will be going soon to get a registry going (probably both at Target and Babies R Us).

mGk said...

Don't panic just yet. You still have time to get things in order. Kev and I were still putting the finishing touches on the room weeks after we brought Maddy home. It still isn't 100% done.. but she sure doesn't know the difference! It will all come together.