Thursday, December 27, 2007
Aaron and I just got back from another doctor's visit and I am thrilled to say we've made some progress. Baby has dropped some and I'm 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. So hopefully, any day now baby will be here. I can't wait!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Another Doctors Visit
So originally I was to have a visit with the doc this last Thursday, but they called earlier in the week and said that particular doctor was not going to be in the office that day, so we ended up rescheduling for yesterday afternoon. The visit yesterday went pretty much the same as the ones before it. Baby is head down, but has not dropped yet. I did find out which way baby is facing - he or she is laying on his or her side, facing to my left. I asked the doc about checking to see if I'm dilating any yet and she said no need to do that until next weeks visit. So essentually no progress going on, which I am finding very frustrating. The doctor did say (probably just to make me feel better) that she thought I would have the baby by the 31. And in any case they would not let me go past 41 1/2 weeks. So baby will definately be here by the end of the first full week in January.
Also, just to let you all know, the hospital's website will post a picture of baby once he or she is born. I think it will take them a day or two to get the picture up, but you are more than willing to check it out if you wish when the time comes. Just go to and then click on growing family online nursery. There is a picture of a baby's face above it. They only put the first name and last initial of the baby up and the date he or she was born though. So you will be looking for a Quentin or a Geneva (unless we change our minds after meeting baby) R.
Also, just to let you all know, the hospital's website will post a picture of baby once he or she is born. I think it will take them a day or two to get the picture up, but you are more than willing to check it out if you wish when the time comes. Just go to and then click on growing family online nursery. There is a picture of a baby's face above it. They only put the first name and last initial of the baby up and the date he or she was born though. So you will be looking for a Quentin or a Geneva (unless we change our minds after meeting baby) R.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Congratulations Nancy & Guy!
Our friends Nancy and Guy just had a baby girl early this morning. They named her Josephine. That's about all I know at this point, but we're so happy for them. Hopefully Aaron and I will make it out to visit them this evening or tomorrow. It's been great having someone around who is going through the same things I am - Nancy's due date was just 4 days before mine. So here's to hoping if her baby came a week early, mine might do the same.
Mommy and Daddy can't wait to meet you baby, please come soon - oh and if you would stop kicking me in the ribs, that would be great. :)
Mommy and Daddy can't wait to meet you baby, please come soon - oh and if you would stop kicking me in the ribs, that would be great. :)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Baby's Room
Here are the newest pictures of baby's room, now that it is finally completed! I'm hoping to add some more artwork to the walls eventually. Plus once we know if baby is a boy or a girl and have a name I want to get oversized letters to put above the crib spelling out that name.
This is a picture of drawings I did. On the left is a giraffe, center is a zebra, and on the right is an elephant.

(If you click on the picture you can see the drawings much better)
Aaron finally got the quarter round put down and it looks great! You can see the wonderful rug that Aaron got me for Christmas too.

Now all we're waiting on is baby!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Not Much New
Another visit to the doctors has come and gone. Everything is fine according to the doctor. Baby is still head down, but has not "dropped" yet. That explains the heartburn still lingering for me. We also asked when they will check to see if I've dilated any. The answer - not until week 39 since this is our first baby. I wonder if they might on our visit next week - I'll be right in between weeks 38 and 39 at that point. Of course I'm so uncomfortable anymore I hope baby comes next week!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Paprika Does Tricks
(Early) Christmas!
While Aaron and I already did Christmas with my family, we spent the last weekend doing Christmas with Aaron's parents. They came out to Ohio and helped us chop down a tree and decorate it. Well, Aaron and his dad did the chopping. Jenell and I had hot chocolate and sat in front of the fire at the tree farm. :) We had a great time seeing them and recieved some wonderful gifts. They even brought gifts for baby which was fantastic. Harvest and Paprika certainly seemed to enjoy the play gym for baby (not to mention the ribbons and wrapping paper). We also finally found a stocking we both liked for baby. It's the middle one that says Cheer! Enjoy the pics!

Thursday, December 6, 2007
Head Down
Yesterday was yet another visit to the doctors. Everything is looking good and baby now has his or her head down. It's hard to believe that baby will be here soon and yet I'm so ready for him or her to arrive!
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