Pictures below for those interested, but wanted to give a quick status update on everyone.
Quentin is slightly juandiced, normal levels for a newborn - His jaundice level increased slightly during the day which is why the pediatrician did not want to release him today. His appetite picked up substantially around noon, and this will help his juandice state as his body flushes. We're very optimistic that he will be coming home after his blood is drawn tomorrow morning.
Jenny is feeling much better today. She's tired, but doing well. The doctor gave her a clean bill of health and probably could have been released, but she's staying one more night since Quentin will be there anyways. The birthing center staff at the hospital has been a great help gettign Quentin feeding well and working on breastfeeding and another night of their help is appreciated.
Aaron is proud, tired and looking forward to baby coming home. He's also appreciate to all Quentin's grandparents for making the trip and coming to see the new addition to the family.
In Aaron's opinion, best New Year's ever.