Sunday, January 13, 2008

Week in Review

This last week has been a busy one for us. Aaron stayed home with Quentin and me Monday through Wednesday. On Monday we took a brief walk with Quentin (picture below). It was really nice outside, although a little on the breezy side so we didn't stay out too long.
Tuesday morning Quentin's umbilical cord stump fell off. The really funny thing about this happening is that Aaron was the one who changed him and noticed it was gone, but didn't see the cord anywhere. Fast foreward to Aaron getting Quentin's laundry folded and put away - which is precisely when and where he found the cord stump. There were quite a few ewwws with that one!
I spent Thursday and Friday home alone with Quentin, which went pretty well, although it was quite tiring at times. Overall we're getting the hang of taking care of him and he's a happy little boy most of the time (or at least sleeping!).

1 comment:

mGk said...

I remember when all Madeline did was sleep... sometimes I miss those days... but mostly I am happy to have her smiling and interacting with me!

He is a total doll! I am glad to hear things are going well for you. Those first few weeks are a challenge! They are totally worth it though!