Saturday, March 8, 2008

Difficult Week

The last week of Feb. was a difficult week for us. First, the Thursday before I got sick and Aaron had to stay home from work that Friday. I felt awful - a temp of 102, chills, headache, scratchy throat - not pleasant at all. I did start feeling better Friday and continued to do well over the weekend. Unfortunately, Tuesday the 26th Quentin had a temperature and when Aaron took him to the doctor (I had my own appointment with my doctor at the same time) they said he needed to have blood drawn at Dayton Childrens Hospital to make sure he didn't have RSV or anything else serious. He did a good job overall with being stuck 3 times to get the blood they needed. I felt so bad for my little boy. In any case the doctor's office called us Wednesday to say that Quentin had the flu. Fortunately, he felt and acted just fine on Wednesday and continues to be well. Unfortunately, Aaron then came home from work feeling bad on Wednesday. So I spent all of Wednesday taking care of Quentin by myself. Aaron said he felt well enough to go to work Thursday morning, but once he got home he wasn't feeling the best. To top it all off he had to go to Eddyville, IA that night and returned Friday evening. So I spent another 2 days caring for Quentin all by myself - and Quentin had his vaccinations done that Thursday. Luckily, he didn't seem to have any reaction to them and Aaron's parents came to visit that weekend. They actually arrived before Aaron's flight got in. I was so thankful they came when they did, because I was so tired! Unfortunately for Aaron he still continued to feel bad that weekend - he would have a temp at night, sweat it out, feel somewhat better in the morning and then go downhill again in the evening. Finally, last Sunday he stayed feeling better and is continuing to do better every day. He does still have a cough, but overall is fine. So, now we are all feeling well (I did have to take some medicine for the bronchitis that the doctor said I had though).
On a positive note, Quentin slept through the night for the first time that Wednesday (8 hours) and continues to sleep for about 5-6 hours at a time now.

Now we have a whole bunch of snow to deal with this weekend! I hope this is the last snow we get for the year - it was quite the blizzard. I'll see about posting pictures of it tomorrow.

1 comment:

david santos said...

Thanks for your posting and have a good weekend.