Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Quentin has taken to waking up at 5 am (for the 3rd time today). Aaron and I are both so tired because of this. I think he's going through a growth spurt and is hungry at this time. We've been spending about 45 min to an hour trying to get him back to sleep and then give up and go ahead and feed him his breakfast. And then he takes a nap for about an hour, waking up at his former usual time of 7:30ish. Please tell me this isn't going to continue for much longer.
Also we've been frustrated with him not drinking much formula or milk. He pretty much only drinks 6 oz of formula first thing in the morning and then nothing the rest of the day (formula or milk-wise). He gets apple juice in his cereal both morning and evening plus some out of a sippy cup mid-morning. Otherwise he only takes a couple of sips of either formula or milk at lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner. Any suggestions on how to get him to drink more milk? I did try chocolate milk yesterday with no luck.

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