Wednesday, June 6, 2007

First Time for Everything

Today was my first actual throwing up due to morning sickness. I have to laugh at the morning part since it happened this evening about 1/2 hour after I ate dinner. Needless to say, it was not a pretty sight. Although I did feel better almost right away, which was kind of nice.

And now back to watching hockey. :)


mGk said...

BEST POST EVER!!! Mainly just the back to watching hockey part. Not so much the puke part. Sorry to hear about that. Glad to hear it made you feel better though!

Go Blues!...uh...whatever


mGk said...


I am sorry to hear about the vomit. Never a good thing...

I have been meaning to tell you about You can sign up for weekly updates on your baby. They send you a weekly e-mail and give you all sorts of information. Some of it is similar to what is in "Your Pregnancy Week by Week". It was a pretty good resource while I was pregnant.

I stayed away from the message boards, but they do have a lot of basic pregnancy and baby information.