Friday, June 22, 2007

Odds and Ends

There's not much new going on here lately. I've been feeling MUCH better this past week or two. I did have a setback last weekend where I ended up throwing up, but I think that was due to overdoing things (yardwork and then eating an entire Dairy Queen banana split by myself). So I've been taking things easy and have been eating a little something every couple of hours. Sometimes it seems all I do is eat, sleep, and go to the bathroom. Oh, well. It could be worse.

I am excited that my parents and Aaron's parents are coming to visit for part of next week. I haven't seen mine since a brief visit in December, so I can't wait to see them. I hope to spend some time with my mom and Aaron's mom looking at baby necessities and getting their opinions on what is most useful. Perhaps we can do a girls day out or something while the boys get working on building an addition to our deck.

I'd also like to mention that I bought Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy a little while ago. It is absolutely hilarious! There are some things she mentions that can happen to you while you're pregnant that I really did not want to know about/hope does not happen to me, but I guess what happens, happens. My favorite chapters with the funniest stories are - Holy Shit, I Think I Hard-Boiled my Baby! (Taking Hot Baths), I Can Either Pee on You or You Can Get the Hell Out of My Way! (Frequent Pee Breaks), and Freddy Krueger Ain't Got Nothing on Me! (Dreams). So I highly recommend buying this book if you want a good laugh, whether you're pregnant or not.

That's about all for today. Mostly just glad I'm feeling better. :)

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