Monday, June 4, 2007

Random Things

Today Aaron and I went to a nearby outlet mall. Even though I'm not really showing just yet - I do think my tummy sticks out just a bit and I only have one pair of jeans that aren't tight anymore - I ended up buying a pair of maternity pants and three tops. Hopefully they will get me through the summer okay before I really begin showing and need to buy winter clothes.

For the most part I've been feeling pretty good. My only issue as of late is that I have a tendency to do a random dry heave here and there. The only thing that seems to help somewhat is sucking on a life savers peppermint or a preggie pop drop. If anyone has a suggestion on what might help with this I would greatly appreciate it.


Julie Hutson said...

So...keep stuff in your tummy constantly and stay away from strong smells (although at this point, most everything smells strong and disgusting, if your pregnancy is anything like both of mine) pregnancy nemesis...the living room couch and love seat smelled like dirty rotten moldy socks that had been left out in the rain for days on end...or so my nose told me so!

Julie Hutson said...

As for clothes...when you come in July, I can give you the maternity stuff I have and you can try on the clothes to see what works...I even have some tops that were slightly too big for me that might work for you. You can also have the books and hypnobirthing CD and stuff that I have if you want them. They seemed to help me get through labor w/out drugs, so maybe it will also work for you!

mGk said...

I munched on crackers and almonds all day long. (Although the almonds I kept in check b/c of the high fat content!) I kept a stash in my desk at work, some in my car, in my purse, and on my nightstand. You wouldn't believe how many times I would wake up in the middle of the night and feel really crummy.

I posted this before, but my doctor recommended Ginger and B-6 lollipops. I had to get them from a specialty pharmacy here in STL, but I am sure you can find them online. Or ask your doctor b/c they might know where you can get them in OH. They worked wonders and were much more effective for me than the preggie pops.

As for maternity shopping... the fun has just begun!

I hope you enjoy the book. I know it is an untraditional gift, but that book answered so many of my questions in the last nine months and really put me at ease. It is nice to know what exactly is going on in there! Right now all you know is that you feel crummy, your breasts are bigger and your pants are too tight. It is nice to know what exactly is happening to your baby and what to expect in the future. And it is weekly, so the time frame isn't as broad as What to Expect.

Enjoy this time and your sleep. Soon enough you won't have much of either. Trust me...
